University partners for piloting the Framework

Working with university partners from across the world, feedback was captured on the design, approach and impact of the Framework, thus enabling iterative refinements to be made. Some universities based their feedback on a review of the written Framework while others drew on their experience of using the Framework in practice, either by piloting it or by using it to inform a revision of their institutional reward/appraisal processes. In all, 15 university partners engaged with the project, from 12 countries across the world.

University of Technology Malaysia (UTM)
81310, Sekolah Agama Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
School of Engineering, MIT
77 Massachusetts Ave #1, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States
42.373616, -71.109734
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences & Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
77 Massachusetts Ave #1, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States
43.9, -71.109734
NUS (National University of Singapore)

Singapore 119077

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Av Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 328, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Chalmers University of Technology
Maskingränd 2, 412 58 Göteborg, Sweden
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Route Cantonale, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
NMiTE (New Model in Technology and Engineering)
Mile End Rd, London E1 4NS
University of Technology and Engineering, Peru
Lima, Peru
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Anker Engelunds Vej 1 Bygning 101A, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, denmark
UCL (University College London)
University of Edinburgh
Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL
University of New South Wales Sydney
Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
Skoltech (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)
Moscow  143026
University of Twente
Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB Enschede, Netherlands

Further information

List of the 15 university partners

University partners include NUS (Singapore), UCL (UK), UNSW (Australia), MIT School of Engineering (US), UTM (Malaysia), the University of Twente (Netherlands) and Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)

Guidance for university partners

Guidance is provided for current and potential university partners on how they can engage with the study and offer feedback on the Framework. Information is provided on the key questions that partner universities may wish to address.

University partner meetings

Three meetings of the university partners have been held to date (in 2016, 2017 and 2018). They aim to establish a community of dialogue and a forum to discuss ideas for the reform of how universities reward teaching.

Career Framework for University Teaching, 2024